Dr. Christine Quattro, AICP


Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania

A.M. in City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania

M.S. in Student Affairs Administration, Binghamton University

B.S. in Education, Earth Sciences, State University of New York at Oswego

Doctoral Certificate in College and University Teaching, University of Pennsylvania

Master's Certificate in Organizational Leadership, Binghamton University


Dr. Chris Quattro, AICP, has a PhD in City and Regional Planning from the University of Pennsylvania focusing on Land Use Planning and Planning Law. Their research focuses on social and environmental implications of property law and land development regulations. Quattro has practical experience in city planning, having previously worked as the Director of City Planning and Development for San Antonio City Council District 1 where their work covered zoning, comprehensive planning, housing, and infrastructure matters. They also previously served as a member of the Yeadon Zoning Hearing Board and are currently part of the Watauga County Housing Council. In addition to their work at App State, they work for a private Texas-based law firm as their Lead Land Development Researcher assisting a variety of clients on planning law concerns. Dr. Quattro’s first passion is teaching and educational development, believing that training and information provide the strongest basis for community development. Chris is an organizer of the University’s Early Career Parent Faculty Network group, and advisor of the department’s Student Planners Association.

Courses Taught

PLN 2410: Town, City, and Regional Planning (Introduction/General Education)

PLN 3432: Planning Techniques

PLN 4450: Inside the Sustainable City (Undergraduate)

PLN 3730: Land, Property, and Law

PLN 4700: Planners in Action (Planning Studio course)

PLN 5431: Planning Methods Techniques

PLN 5450: Inside the Sustainable City (Graduate)

PLN 5730: Land Use Controls and Planning Law Ethics

PLN 4545/5545: Impacts of Property Law (Special Topics)

Title: Assistant Professor, Environmental Justice; Regulatory Law; and City and Regional Planning Systems
Department: Geography and Planning

Email address: Email me


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