Ph.D., Geography, University of Colorado at Boulder, 1995
M.A., Geography, University of Colorado at Boulder, 1989
B.S., Geography, University of Florida, 1981
Research and Interests
My research interests include: (1) the application of geographic information science (GIScience) and technology to watershed, flood, and environmental modeling, (2) remote sensing in mountain environments, and (3) issues of scale.
Courses Taught
Advanced GIS, GIScience and Water Resources, GIS Analysis and Modeling, Principles of GeoComputation, Seminar in GIScience, Digital Image Processing, Advanced Quantitative and Qualitative Methods, Introduction to Physical Geography, and Freshman Honors Physical Geography
Recent Publications
Bishop, M.P., Young, B.W., Colby, J.D. 2023. "Surface spectral irradiance and irradiance partitioning in a complex mountain environment: understanding locationdependent topographic effects in satellite imagery." Geocarto International, 38:1, doi: 10.1080/10106049.2023.2264275 (pdf)
Bishop, M.P., Young, B.W., Colby, J.D., 2022. "Numerical Modeling and Parameter Sensitivity Analysis for Understanding Scale-Dependent Topographic Effects Governing Anisotropic Reflectance Correction of Satellite Imagery." Remote Sensing, (14)5339, doi 10.3390/rs14215339. (pdf)
Colby, J.D, 2019. "GIS for Watershed Characterization and Modeling.” Encyclopedia of Water: Science, Technology and Society, edited by P.A., Maurice, Wiley & Sons, doi: 10.1002/9781119300762.wsts0095. (pdf)
Wise, L., Marland, E., Marland, G., Hoyle, J., Kowalczyk, T., Ruseva, T., Colby, J., Kinlaw, T., 2019. “Accounting for Negative CO2 Emissions.” Carbon Balance and Management, 14:16, doi: 10.1186/s13021-019-0131-y. (pdf)
Bishop, M., Brennan, W., Colby., J., Furfaro, R., Schiassi, E., Chi, Z., 2019. “Theoretical Evaluation of Anisotropic Reflectance Correction Approaches for Addressing Multi-Scale Topographic Effects on the Radiation-Transfer Cascade in Mountain Environments.” Remote Sensing, 11(2728), doi: 10.3390/rs1123278. (pdf)
Rose, L.D., Akob, D.M., Tuberty, S.R., Corsi, S.R., DeCicco, L.A., Colby, J.D. and Martin, D.J., 2019. "Use of High-Throughput Screening Results to Prioritize Chemicals for Potential Adverse Biological Effects Within a West Virginia Watershed." Science of the Total Environment, 677 (10):362-372, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.180. (pdf)
Hutchins, M.G., Colby, J.D., Marland, G., and Marland E., 2017. “A Comparison of Five High-Resolution Spatially-Explicit, Fossil-Fuel, Carbon Dioxide Emission Inventories for the United States.” Mitigation and Adaption Strategies for Global Change, 22:947-972. (pdf)
Swinson, B., Cockerill, K., Colby, J., Tuberty, S., Gu, C., 2015. “To Restore or Not to Restore:Assessing Pre-project Conditions of a Habitat Restoration Project on the New River, North Carolina.” Environmental Processes, 2:547-668. (pdf)
Gu, C., Anderson, W.P., Colby, J.D., and Coffey, C.L., 2015. “Air-stream Temperature Correlation in Forested and Urban Headwater Streams in the Southern Appalachians.” Hydrological Processes, 29: 1110-1118. (pdf)
Turner, A.B., Colby, J.D., Csontos, R.M., and Batten, M., 2013. “Flood Modeling Using a Synthesis of Multi-Platform LiDAR Data,” Water, 5:1533-1560. (pdf)
Bishop, M.P., and Colby, J.D., 2011. "Topographic Normalization of Multispectral Satellite Imagery. In, Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice, and Glaciers , eds. V.P. Singh, P. Singh, U.K. Haritashya. New York: Springer. (pdf)
Colby, J.D., and Dobson, J.G., 2010. “Flood Modeling in the Coastal Plains and Mountains: Analysis of Terrain Resolution." Natural Hazards Review, 11(1): 19-28. (pdf)
Other Publications:
Bishop, M.P., Colby, J.D., Luvall, J.C., Quattrochi, D.A., and, Rickman, D.L., 2004 "Passive Remote Sensing in Mountain Environments." In, GIScience and Mountain Geomorphology, eds by M.P. Bishop and J. F. Shroder Jr., Praxis Scientific Publishing and Springer Verlag. (pdf)
Bishop, M.P., Shroder Jr., J.F., and Colby, J.D., 2003 "Remote Sensing and Geomorphometry for Studying Relief Production in High Mountains."Geomorphology, 55: 345-361 . (pdf)
Woolard, J. W., and Colby, J.D., 2002. "Spatial Characterization, Resolution, and Volumetric Change of Coastal Dunes using Airborne LIDAR: Cape Hatteras, North Carolina." Geomorphology, 48:269-287. (pdf)
Andrews, B., Gares, P.A., and Colby, J.D., 2002. "Techniques for GIS Modeling of Coastal Dunes." Geomorphology, 48:289-308. (pdf)
Wang, Y., Colby, J.D., and Mulcahy, K., 2002. "An Efficient Method for Mapping Floodplain Extent in a Coastal Floodplain Integrating Landsat 7 TM and DEM Data." International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(18):3681-3696. (pdf)
Bishop, M.P., and Colby, J.D., 2002. "Anisotropic Reflectance Correction of SPOT-3 HRV Imagery." International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(10):2125-2131. (pdf)
Colby, J.D., 2001. "Simulation of a Costa Rican Watershed: Resolution Effects and Fractals." Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 127(4):261-270. (pdf)
Colby, J.D., Mulcahy, K.A., and Wang, Y., 2000. "Modeling Flooding Extent Due to Hurricane Floyd in the Coastal Plains of North Carolina." Global Environmental Change Part B: Environmental Hazards, 2(4):157-168. (pdf)
Colby, J.D., and Keating, P.L., 1998. “Land Cover Classification Using Landsat TM Imagery in the Tropical Highlands: The Influence of Anisotropic Reflectance.” International Journal of Remote Sensing, 19(8):1479-1500. (pdf)
Colby, J.D., 1991. “Topographic Normalization in Rugged Terrain.” Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 57(5):531-537. (pdf)

Title: Professor, GIScience for Watershed, Flood, & Environmental Modeling; Remote Sensing in Mountain Environments
Department: Geography and Planning
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-7126
Office address
Rankin Science West 361Attachments
Name | Type | Size |
bishop_et_al._2023.pdf | document | 3.46 MB |
bishop_et_al._2022.pdf | document | 12.82 MB |
Colby, 2019 | document | 3.27 MB |
Wise et al., 2019 | document | 2.7 MB |
Bishop et al., 2019 | document | 48.63 MB |
Rose et al., 2019 | document | 1.9 MB |
Hutchins et al., 2017 | document | 2.94 MB |
Swinson et al., 2015 | document | 1.84 MB |
Gu et al., 2015 | document | 2.51 MB |
Turner et al., 2013 | document | 2.27 MB |
Bishop and Colby, 2011 | document | 767.05 KB |
Colby and Dobson, 2010 | document | 601.56 KB |
Bishop et al., 2004 | document | 17.35 MB |
Bishop et al., 2003 | document | 1.03 MB |
Woolard and Colby, 2002 | document | 1.17 MB |
Andrews and Colby, 2002 | document | 1.02 MB |
Wang et al., 2002 | document | 1.14 MB |
Bishop and Colby, 2002 | document | 377.76 KB |
Colby, 2001 | document | 2.92 MB |
Colby et al., 2000 | document | 884.27 KB |
Colby and Keating, 1998 | document | 1.39 MB |
Colby, 1991 | document | 1.83 MB |