Accelerated Master's Program

Accelerated Master's Program

The Accelerated Master's program is for qualified, current undergraduate students who wish to be considered for early admission to participating graduate degree programs. The M.A. in Geography is one of those participating programs!

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are frequently asked questions about the Accelerated Master’s program in Geography.

Do I qualify?

You qualify if you are an enrolled Appalachian State student with a cumulative grade point average of 3.4, and if you will have completed 90 hrs by the end of the semester you submit the application.

When should I apply?

You should apply during the semester prior to your senior year. For example, if you will begin your senior year (90+ credits) in Fall 2022, you will want to apply for the program during Spring 2022.

Do I have to take the GRE?

No, you do not have to take the GRE to be admitted to the program. However, you must meet all other admission requirements for the Cratis D. Williams School of Graduate Studies.

Can I take classes that will count as both undergraduate and graduate credit?

Yes; however, these courses must be approved by your undergraduate advisor and the Graduate Program Director.

How many graduate credits can I earn during my senior year?

You can acquire a maximum of 12 credit hrs that will count toward your graduate degree program. The only courses that you are not allowed to take during your overlap year are Thesis, Independent Study, or Internship.

Am I eligible for a graduate assistantship?

You are not eligible for a graduate assistantship while you are still taking undergraduate courses. You will become eligible at the time that you become fully enrolled in the graduate program.

How do I apply?

On the Application Availability and Deadline Information page, click on the “Apply Now” link associated with your chosen term. Next, select “Create an Account.” Once you’ve created an account, click “Start New Application.”

What are the application deadlines?

You must submit your application during the application window for the term in which you intend to be fully admitted into the graduate program. These dates are available on the Application Availability and Deadline Information page.

Example Timeline

Below is an example timeline for an undergraduate intending to begin taking graduate credits during his/her/their senior year, Fall 2024, with full time graduate enrollment beginning Fall 2025.

SemesterSemester Credits EarnedTotal Credits EarnedStatusActions / Note
Fall 20211515UG 
Spring 20221631UG 
Fall 20221546UG 
Spring 20231763UG 
Fall 20231477UGMeet with Advisor and Graduate Director
Spring 20241592UGApply for Accelerated Master's Program
Fall 202417109UGDouble-count 6 credits as UG and G credit
Spring 202517126UGDouble-count 6 credits as UG and G credit
Graduate with undergraduate degree, become fully enrolled as graduate student.
Fall 2025921GEligible for graduate assistantship
Spring 2026930GEligible for graduate assistantship

For more information, visit the Graduate School website or contact the Geography Graduate Program Director, Dr. Derek J. Martin (