2013 – 2019
Ph.D. in Department of Geography & GIScience, University of Cincinnati
2010 – 2013
M.S. in Department of Geography, East China Normal University
2006 – 2010
B.S. in Department of Geography, East China Normal University
Research Interests
My research interests are in remote sensing applications applied to Arctic snow, lake hydrology, water resources, cryospheric processes, and global climate change. I am particularly interested in using a variety of advanced remote sensing technologies and geospatial analysis methods to quantify and analyze rapid environmental changes in the hydrosphere and cryosphere within the context of global climate change. My current research primarily focuses on the following three themes: 1) improving satellite altimetry observations of Earth surface dynamics; 2) retrieving hydrosphere and cryosphere parameters (e.g. snow depth and lake water level) from remote sensing observations; and 3) understanding the impacts of climate change on lake hydrology.
GHY 3812: Geographic Information Systems
GHY 3310: Environmental Remote Sensing
GHY 4810 / 5810: Digital Image Processing
Xu, J., Tang, Y., Xu, J., Shu, S., Yu, B., Wu, J., & Huang, Y. (2022). Impact of Snow Cover Phenology on the Vegetation Green-Up Date on the Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing, 14 (IF: 5.35)
Xu, J., Tang, Y., Xu, J., Chen, J., Bai, K., Shu, S., Yu, B., Wu, J., & Huang, Y. (2022). Evaluation of Vegetation Indexes and Green-Up Date Extraction Methods on the Tibetan Plateau. Remote Sensing, 14 (IF: 5.35)
Yang, B., Liu, H., Kang, E.L., Hawthorne, T.L., Tong, S.T.Y., Shu, S., & Xu, M. (2022). Traffic restrictions during the 2008 Olympic Games reduced urban heat intensity and extent in Beijing. Nature Communications Earth & Environment, 3, 105
Huang, Y., Song, Z., Yang, H., Yu, B., Liu, H., Che, T., Chen, J., Wu, J., Shu, S., Peng, X., Zheng, Z., & Xu, J. (2022). Snow cover detection in mid-latitude mountainous and polar regions using nighttime light data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 268, 112766 (IF: 13.85)
Xu, M., Liu, H., Mitchell, D., Lu, Y., Beck, R., Cohen, S., Shu, S., & Dimova, N. (2022). Mapping river turbidity at a large basin-scale with a spatially transferable ensemble model and Landsat 8 multispectral imagery. Science of the Total Environment, Forthcoming (IF: 10.75)
Shu, S., Liu, H., Beck, R.A., Frappart, F., Korhonen, J., Lan, M., Xu, M., Yang, B., & Huang, Y. (2021). Evaluation of historic and operational satellite radar altimetry missions for constructing consistent long-term lake water level records. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 1643-1670 (IF: 5.15)
Xu, M., Liu, H., Beck, R., Lekki, J., Yang, B., Liu, Y., Shu, S., Wang, S., Tokars, R., Anderson, R., Reif, M., & Emery, E. (2021). Implementation Strategy and Spatiotemporal Extensibility of Multipredictor Ensemble Model for Water Quality Parameter Retrieval with Multispectral Remote Sensing Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1-16 (IF: 5.86)
Wang, S., Alexander, P., Wu, Q., Tedesco, M., & Shu, S. (2021). Characterization of ice shelf fracture features using ICESat-2 – A case study over the Amery Ice Shelf. Remote Sensing of Environment, 255, 112266 (IF: 9.09)
Yang, B., Liu, H., Kang, E.L., Shu, S., Xu, M., Wu, B., Beck, R., Hinkel, K., & Yu, B. (2020). Spatio-temporal Cokriging Method for Assimilating and Downscaling Multi-scale Remote Sensing Data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112190 (IF: 9.09)
Shu, S., Liu, H., Frappart, F., Kang, E.L., Yang, B., Xu, M., Huang, Y., Wu, B., Yu, B., Wang, S., Beck, R., & Hinkel, K. (2020). Improving Satellite Waveform Altimetry Measurements with a Probabilistic Relaxation Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1-16 (IF: 5.86)
Shu, S., Liu, H., Beck, R.A., Frappart, F., Korhonen, J., Xu, M., Yang, B., Hinkel, K.M., Huang, Y., & Yu, B., (2020). Analysis of Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry Waveform Retracking Algorithms for Deriving Temporally Consistent Water Levels Over Ice-Covered Lakes. Remote Sensing of Environment, 239: 111643 (IF: 9.09).
Wu, B., Yu, B., Shu, S., Wu, Q., Zhao, Y., & Wu, J. (2020). A Spatiotemporal Structural Graph for Characterizing Land Cover Changes. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 1-29 (IF: 3.73)
Zhao, Y., Wu, B., Wu, J., Shu, S., Liang, H., Liu, M., Badenko, V., Fedotov, A., Yao, S., & Yu, B. (2020). Mapping 3D Visibility in an Urban Street Environment from Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds. GIScience & Remote Sensing (IF: 5.97)
Chen, H., Huang, Y., Wang, S., Shu, S., Yu, B., & Wu, J. (2020). Vertical Accuracy Analysis of ASTER GDEM V2 in Byrd Glacier, Antarctica. Journal of Remote Sensing (Chinese), 24-8 (IF: 1.58)
Xu, M., Liu, H., Beck, R., Lekki, J., Yang, B., Shu, S., Liu, Y., Benko, T., Anderson, R., Tokars, R., Johansen, R., Emery, E., & Reif, M. (2019). Regionally and Locally Adaptive Models for Retrieving Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Inland Waters From Remotely Sensed Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imagery. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1-17 (IF: 5.86)
Xu, M., Liu, H., Beck, R., Lekki, J., Yang, B., Shu, S., Kang, E.L., Anderson, R., Johansen, R., Emery, E., Reif, M., & Benko, T. (2019). A Spectral Space Partition Guided Ensemble Method for Retrieving Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Inland Waters from Sentinel-2A Satellite Imagery. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 45, 454-465 (IF: 1.93)
Beck, R., Xu, M., Zhan, S., Johansen, R., Liu, H., Tong, S., Yang, B., Shu, S., Wu, Q., Wang, S., Berling, K., Murray, A., Emery, E., Reif, M., Harwood, J., Young, J., Nietch, C., Macke, D., Martin, M., Stillings, G., Stumpf, R., Su, H., Ye, Z., & Huang, Y. (2019). Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Turbidity and Cyanobacterial Concentrations in Productive Freshwaters Using Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 45, 413- 433 (IF: 1.93)
Shu, S., Liu, H., Frappart, F., Huang, Y., Wang, S., Hinkel, K.M., Beck, R.A., Yu, B., Jones, B.M., Arp, C.D., Wang, L., & Ye, Z. (2018). Estimation of Snow Accumulation Over Frozen Arctic Lakes Using Repeat ICESat Laser Altimetry Observations – A Case Study in Northern Alaska. Remote Sensing of Environment, 216, 529-543 (IF: 9.09)
Liu, H., & Shu, S. (2018). Derivation of Reliable Surface Elevation Measurements from ICESAT/GLAS Waveforms by Incorporating Spatial Contextual Information. In, IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (pp. 7438-7440)
Johansen, R., Beck, R., Nowosad, J., Nietch, C., Xu, M., Shu, S., Yang, B., Liu, H., Emery, E., Reif, M., Harwood, J., Young, J., Macke, D., Martin, M., Stillings, G., Stumpf, R., & Su, H. (2018). Evaluating the Portability of Satellite Derived Chlorophyll-a Algorithms for Temperate Inland Lakes Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery and Dense Surface Observations. Harmful Algae, 76, 35-46 (IF: 3.71)
Beck, R., Xu, M., Zhan, S., Liu, H., Johansen, R.A., Tong, S., Yang, B., Shu, S., Wu, Q., Wang, S., Berling, K., Murray, A., Emery, E., Reif, M., Harwood, J., Young, J., Martin, M., Stillings, G., Stumpf, R., Su, H., Ye, Z., & Huang, Y. (2017). Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sensing, 9 (IF: 4.51)
Ye, Z., Liu, H., Chen, Y., Shu, S., Wu, Q., & Wang, S. (2017). Analysis of Water Level Variation of Lakes and Reservoirs in Xinjiang, China Using ICESat Laser Altimetry Data (2003–2009). PLoS ONE, 12(9). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0183800 (IF: 2.74)
Beck, R., Zhan, S., Liu, H., Tong, S., Yang, B., Xu, M., Ye, Z., Huang, Y., Shu, S., Wu, Q., Wang, S., Berling, K., Murray, A., Emery, E., Reif, M., Harwood, J., Young, J., Nietch, C., Macke, D., Martin, M., Stillings, G., Stump, R., & Su, H. (2016). Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Chlorophyll-a in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. Remote Sensing of Environment, 178, 15-30 (IF: 9.09)
Wang, L., Liu, H., Wang, S., & Shu, S. (2015). Antarctica 2013/2014 Seasonal Melt Extent and Duration [in State of the Climate in 2014]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (BAMS), 95(7): S149-S150. (IF: 9.38)
Yu, B., Shu, S., Liu, H., Wu, J., & Chen, Z. (2014). Object-based Spatial Cluster Analysis of Urban Landscape Pattern Using Nighttime Light Satellite Images: A Case Study of China. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 28(11), 2328-2355. (IF: 3.73)
Wu, B., Yu, B., Yue, W., Shu, S., Tan, W., Hu, C., Huang, Y., Wu, J., & Liu, H. (2013). A Voxel-Based Method for Automated Identification and Morphological Parameters Estimation of Individual Street Trees from Mobile Laser Scanning Data. Remote Sensing, 5(2), 584-611. (IF: 4.51)
Hu, Z., Wu, J., Wu, B., Shu, S., & Yu, B. (2012). Simulating and Mapping the Variations of Solar Radiation at the Lujiazui Region of Shanghai Using Airborne LiDAR Data. In, Key Engineering Materials (pp. 511- 516) (IF: 0.39)
Shu, S., Yu‚ B., Wu‚ J., & Liu, H. (2011). Methods for Deriving Urban Built-up Area Using Night-light Data: Assessment and Application. Remote Sensing Technology and Application, 26(2), 169-176. (CSCD, In Chinese) (IF: 1.19)

Title: Assistant Professor, Satellite Altimetry; Hydrosphere & Cryosphere Remote Sensing; Climate Change Impacts on Lake Hydrology
Department: Geography and Planning
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-8506
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Rankin Science West 357Attachments
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